Tuesday, March 25, 2008


In case some of you were worried that the art of "hollering" was lost after the early to mid 90's, fear not, for it is alive and kickin' in Nica. On my 5 minute walk to buy a phone card today, I received all of the following "hollers," if you will: Chelita linda, Princesa, Guapa, and Chela, Chela. This comes from all sorts of men, young and old, walking, driving, watching in general. I still am trying to formulate an appropriate response. What I would really like to say is that calling me pale is not going to get them anywhere quick, but I don't think this would translate, and I think by the time I spit the phrase out, the moment would be lost and they would be long gone. Sometimes I say gracias, just to be a smartass, but that gets old quickly and my language school friends didn't really appreciate it. I have also thought about saying "Donde?" or "Where is the chela?" but haven't gotten the guts to use it yet. Usually I just joke with whoever is with me that they are talking to them instead. Perhaps I just need to learn how to take a compliment, however ridiculous or uncomplimentary it may seem to me. I imagine, however, it must get old for Elena, who has lived here for 25 years and still gets holla'ed at pretty frequently.

And this, my friends, concludes my thought of the day, sponsored by this guy: http://www.myspace.com/e603...make sure to listen to Money and Girls in the top right corner and check out the last Youtube video, which I had during childhood! (Shout out to the awesome Lee, who shared this with me! :)

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