Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Only Had Twenty Minutes to Write This Post, and It´s Pretty Obvious

So the answer to the poll is baby showers. They are really starting to become popular here. The thing is, people here say exactly that--baby shower, or ¨baybee chower.¨ It´s one of the many Spanish words, such as ¨MacDonol¨ or ¨fool¨for full, where I´m not sure if I should try to imitate them or not, because it sounds like I´m making fun of their accent, even though to them I sound like I have an accent when I say it in my English way. For some reason, I just always picture Keri Fulton cracking up either way. She haunts me even from afar.

I also had a massage today that was gloooorious. Elena gave all of the women at the Center massages because we worked so hard in May (except that I was at home for most of May!) Nonetheless, with the inundation of U.S. delegations beginning tomorrow, I´m sure I will earn that hour back ten fold. But, so everything was great except that she began to knead my butt about halfway thru, which was just awkward. And then she massaged my feet and it tickled, but she kept asking if it hurt, but I couldn´t think of the word for tickle, so I just had to grin it bear it. The majority of the hour really was lovely though. At one point I tried to lift my head to help her and she told me literally not to move a muscle, that she would move my whole body for me, because my job was to enjoy and sleep. Then later on Elena told me she was thinking about making them a monthly perk for all the women, and she was like, do you think that´s a good idea? And I was like, that´s like asking kids if they think Santa Claus stopping by every month is a good idea. Not really what I told her, but you get the point.

OK, I have to go but I promise I am crafting an award-winning tale about one of the families I visited in Teustepe. It involves a dead duck, a drunken gentleman charging at me like a bull, and cake. All the makings of Oliver Twist, or at least Jerry Springer, right?

1 comment:

Mike Jones said...

Never getting a phone. Turn your skype on por fa.