Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Passport

I had to go to receive more pages in my passport this weekend. Yes folks, that's right, I get around (the world!). I know that I am entirely too proud of this, but I just love the way my passport looks, what with all of the crazy visa and immigration stamps (many from places/countries that the U.S. is not BFFs with :). I'm slightly terrified that I'm going to lose it now, because it's such a cool memento. But it's not like I have a history of losing things or anything. :)

I counted up the new blank spaces that I have now with the inset pages--there are 90. This means I must visit 45 countries before Oct. 26, 2014. :) Or travel back and forth between Nica and the U.S. a lot lol.

Also, funny side note--the new pages look very much like watercolors, depicting scenes of the Wild West, Philly during the Declaration of Independence, etc. And at the top of each page there are ¨inspiring¨ quotes about democracy and the good ole US of A. It´s as if they are subtly saying, ¨Now, don´t get any crazy ideas like leaving/moving out of the country or anything. Remember how good you have it in Cowboy/Statue of Liberty/Mayflower Pilgrim Ship/Palm Tree/Cactus/Mountain land.¨ Heehe


butchie said...

I was SO. ANGRY. when I went to France and nobody stamped my passport. The guy looked at and threw it back without bothering to make eye contact with me or stamp it. So there is no official passport record of being there. Which makes me sort of batty. Glad yours is so pretty!

Mike Jones said...

Hey commie, stop talking about it and take your trip to Cuba. I might want to come, although I don't see what is so great about it.