Monday, February 4, 2008

Go Barack!

A) Noche de las damas did pay off with free entry, drinks, and crazy Brazilian Backstreet Boy like dancers lol.

B) Kelly, I hope your bday was great!

AND C) On this, the eve of Super Tuesday, I thought I´d get a little political and post the link to an awesome Obama video that Keri passed on to me. Enjoy! AND VOTE!


Tania said...

YAY BARACK!! How did I know you were also a supporter? Um, cuz you're smart like I am?

Unknown said...

I know you did, but please tell me you voted absentee. Our man won any ways, but I had to ask. Is it wrong to think that this country is way too screwed up for even the best President to fix? Sadly, I think that's true. At this point, I just want a Democrat in the White House. The end.

Entre Culturas said...

I did vote absentee! I had my mom forge it lol so hopefully the govt isnt reading my blog and getting ready to put me away for years. I known what you mean about feeling skeptical...I think at this point I´m scared of the power getting to any candidate´s head. I also had a dream recently about Barack having to be evacuated from a speaking event because of a eery! Anyway, I think he´s the best one for the job :)